+31% faster lead intake process
Credit Snitch a new brand launched in 2022 from an existing Credit Restoration company that help clients by restore and maximize credit scores while providing them the knowledge to dispute derogatory items, credit utilization, and more. The goal of this new brand is to make a friendlier approach and process for consumers to understand credit literacy. The short term goal of this project was to build a landing page to capture a new audience of potential consumer. Long term goal is to build a mobile app that will provide automated easy access personalized Credit utilization solutions to consumers leveraging Artificial Intelligence Technology
Pain Points
- The company agents currently does this capturing manually utilizing email, spreadsheets and physical paper
- Not easy to manage the intake process for new clients between agents in one central location
- Single landing page with some basic information on the company
- Simple call to action to capture name, email and phone number of potential new clients
- View other basic contact info and social media
User Flow
- We did initial research with the company’s owner and have identified 4 main user types which are the Admin, Agents/Specialist, Referrals (example Loan Officers) and Consumers
- We are currently conducting 1-hour 1-on-1 sessions with users (8/12 completed) to better understand how consumers use credit today, where their needs are, how we can help, bring impact and value to their credit utilization. Once we synthesize this research we can better prioritize what would hook users into the mobile for the long term state.
Hypothesis / Assumptions
- Coming soon once research sessions and synthesis are completed
- Coming soon once research sessions and synthesis are completed

- We used a dark grey for all text (with a secondary lighter gray), a slightly lighter black will help eye fatigue
- We utilized the company’s use of the orange feel for now, it’s distinguished from competitors use of green or blue colors as well is more attentive
- Open Sans by Google
- An easily readable modern font that conveys numbers and text was best choice
- Keeping a warm look and feel to this application was very important, with bigger corner radius
- At least twice the padding in height so button size stood out especially on mobile
Other Projects
Financial Web App
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Transformed a labor intensive HR process to manage and nurture talent to a modern experience with insights and information at their fingertips+9 minutes saved per session when diagnosing employee case issuesCredit Snitch
Research • Strategy • UI • UX Design
Streamlined lead capture experience for potential consumers looking to repair their credit+31% faster lead intake process