Transformed a labor intensive HR process to manage and nurture talent from using spreadsheets, lagging reports and legacy software to a modern experience with insights and information at their fingertips to make better data driven decisions. I lead the UX Strategy, Research, and Design to get this product launched for MVP working with 4 UX Researchers and Designers. We are currently in continuous improvement stage to increase adoption, usability and future experiences.
- Reduced design to development friction and inaccuracies by creating and maintaining a design system and component library for the suite of products what will be built in this CRM
- Diagnosing employee case related issues took minutes in one place versus tens of minutes research from multiple systems
- Aligning compensation against performance can now be done in one place
- Delivered first experience which HR users described as “I can finally see it all in one place” in reference to an employee data
- Built a trusting relationship with stakeholders adopting the UX process more, with patience after the first year of working together we were more given freedom to iteratively work with our users. I don’t take it for granted.
How we started?
We started with whiteboard in person workshop with 5 users including one Subject Matter Expert understanding all the ideas everyone had around what information they needed, where they were think it should be, and the purpose of it all.

We then went into drafting mode to bring these thoughts to life to get reactions and build upon it, we had 3 variations of this screen below with variations of the data organization. I always aim for 3 concepts to present to users, I had alternate layouts of the top summary section, the basic worker information, the placement of the talent and compensation section, as well as the ordering just to get a sense of which they responded to the most and why. Sometimes this mutates to even more ideas, but the magic of having 3 different nuances is combining the positive takeaways from each into a unified experience.

First Hi-fi solution
We did collaborate with a Microsoft UX Designer on this project since it was a Microsoft technology, provided our findings from the concept testing of the 3 screen variations, and they took a stab at a high fidelity screen which we used for one more round of testing. What we discovered was amazing features users want like drilling and viewing their organization and the information they wanted at the surface vs in a view more.

Final MVP solution
We took all the feedback and had few sessions with users in group and individual settings to get to our final MVP design while we were iteratively working on a scalable design system and component library for the suite of products

Post MVP, Increasing adoption?
The business wanted more people within the organization to use the product and this is one of many post MVP research we conducted 1-1 moderated sessions with 5 users and some of the things we learned of why. We also looked for where they’re spending most of their time, behavioral/psychological issues from observations, and needs vs wanted features.
- The system provides a better employee snapshot than any others but the load time sometimes take too long
- There are many tools available and some managers are recommending one over the other, which internal marketing efforts and managers aligning on tools would help solve for this
- It’s new so the trust factor is not there, which a bit of time and peers socially sharing their experience would play a huge part in increasing trust
- One feature stood out, which they can’t get anywhere else is ability to compare, those that used it loved it, those that saw it for the first time “wanted” this. We decided to put focus on this feature and iterate to a solution using concept testing research.

Increasing adoption research
Designing Compare 2.0
Organically from some higher ups the buzz spread about this compare feature and how it’s highly desired so we conducted 1-1 moderated sessions with a few users to dig deeper into their needs, the how, and why into this feature with 6 concepts to learn about their patterns, behaviors and interactions with these concepts as well. Here’s what we learned.
- Starting the comparisons by a recommendation or at least alphabetically by last name would be ideal
- We need to surface triggering “compare” outside of dropdown to increase find-ability
- Giving the ability to customize the data user wants to view will help them make certain decisions faster
- We came up with a benchmarking concept and to help them process thoughts quicker just 1 user found it valuable
This is our MVP for V2.0 for now, we will add AI suggestions as one user mentioned for a starting point next round, to solve for that we have to better understand the most common nuances to learn the patterns that would create a recommended ordering for most departments. For now we added ability to modify data user wants to view, insert employees, sort by recommended or manually sort, drag and drop employees and download this to presentable meeting ready format.

Compare 2.0 research
Design system preview
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